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Not your fathers root beer


Not your father's root beer


It's the biggest selling alcoholic item since Mike's hard lemonade. It sells more pallets a week than Bud or Miller. If you haven't had one yet there's a good possibility that you're dead, or just can't seem to find it. Grabbed off shelves as fast as it's put up. Brewed by Smalltown brewery at first but now contracted out and produced by the place where fourloko is made. I shouldn't have to tell you this tastes exactly like root beer, except after a few of these you may start to feel a little funny thanks to a 5.9% abv. Little did you know they also make a 19.5% abv version that goes into a nice 22oz bottle. Personally, I can only handle the sweetness of just one of these but by no means is it a bad root beer. However, the snob in me that I hate to whip out must tell you; this is not beer and it is certainly not craft beer. Nothing produced on a scale of its size can be considered craft. That being said, none of that information should stop you from imbibing this beverage. To each their own. Now go get drunk. Cheers!

My Score: 85​

Rate Beer: ​79

​Beer Advocate: 87

