
Its friday so fuck it...lets try a photo friday! Today we take a sec and give respect to a huge influence on vile. Richard Perkins is a Virginia based photographer and videographer. Perkins is known for his ability to show the grittier side of life. The vile side of things if you feel me. His work ranges from photos of strippers to look books for clothing lines such as  Play Clothes, Akoo ( T.I.'s clothing company) and a recent shoot for Vile. Perkins has been interviewed and rep'd on the Urban Outfitters, Frank 151 , and  even Vice Magazine . Recently Perkins was featured on Karma Loop and gave us a shout out. So naturally we feel inclined to return the respect...which is long over due!

To put it as succinctly as possible: Richard Perkins gets it! He has the ability to capture moments that I'm sure the rest of the world has only heard stories of. He captures the raw gritty-ness and best parts of a night of real partying. Seriously though our hats off to this talented dude!

Check out his work here at www.parachutefullofforks.com

Here are some pics from a recent shoot for vile! 

ps check out this video for Death Face shot by Perkins!